Commitment Issues

I realized recently that I have a problem with commitment.

When I first started this blog, it was supposed to be not only about faith, but fitness as well. 

I also wanted to post at least once per week.

Well. Y’all know about the posting plan.  Anyhoo…

The fitness plan didn’t work either. 

As I have gotten older, I have realized how health is at a premium, and I am not where I need to be. 

So naturally, I decided in September, just a few weeks before the holiday glut, that I would get fit.

But before that, I reflected on why I have failed so many times before.  It was quite simple.  I failed because I did not take the commitment seriously.  So, in fact, I wasn’t committed at all. 

It occurred to me that fighting for my health is going to be for my lifetime.

There is no stopping point. No celebration after reaching my goal. Not really.  The scale may go down, but when it does, I still cannot stop pressing for greater health because if I stop, I will become complacent, and if I become complacent, my health will suffer.  I may change the parameters of my commitment, but it will be to continue in improvement, not to stop.  If my weight changes for the better, then my mobility can be improved, my cardiovascular health, my flexibility and so forth.

Same with my faith.  It’s not enough to say yes to Christ.  It gets us through the door, so to speak.

It’s the commitment that counts. The commitment that remains when our fellow Christians act in ways contrary to the Scripture. Or when the world doesn’t see our faith as relevant anymore.  It’s the commitment to remain in Christ when we don’t feel like we are making a difference. Or when we aren’t recognized as ministers, leaders, or counselors because we don’t fit a certain set of parameters. 

That’s what being faithfully fit is.  Faithful in study of mind, body, and spirit.  Faithful to the Creator.


I know this journey is forever. I will never complete it, because I must always press.  It is not to be discouraged, but to lean into the work.

There may be a deadline, but there is no limit.  Reach the line and move it further. 

Happy New Year.


Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.