You Are Not A Mistake!

How can we know we are loved?  Is it enough to say Christ suffered humiliation and torture, died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead on the third day to save us?  What does that mean to someone who doesn’t know Christ? What does that mean to someone who feels they have failed God and can never be reconciled to Him again? What does it mean to someone who was never shown an example of godly love? What do we tell someone who doesn’t understand their worth?

Tell them, as I tell you now:

You are not a mistake.  God created you in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27).  He wanted to see a reflection of Himself in you.  Look at your child.  Feel the love, joy, and amazement as you see your child grow and love you.  You see yourself in your child and it fills you with overwhelming love.  Multiply those feelings times infinity when God looks at you as His own child.  

You were planned for (Jeremiah 29:11).  God knows your earthly needs.  But He wants you to know His love for you first, to need Him first, so that when you have seasons in the desert, the knowledge of His love, and your trust in Him will sustain you by faith until you obtain the provision He has already prepared for you.  Look at your child again.  When he does the task you have asked of him out of love and respect, even if it is difficult- how much more do you reward him? Multiply those feelings times infinity when God looks at you as His child and sees your obedience.

You have an inheritance (Galatians 3:29). He knows you intimately.  He knows you will make mistakes and that sometimes those mistakes will hurt you and if not for His intervention- take your life.  He knows you have an enemy that wants to see you destroyed.  He wants you to know that there is no cost too great to save you.  Even if just one of His children is in danger of destruction, He will sacrifice that which is the most precious to Him so that your life will be reconciled to His (John 3:16).  Would you give your life to save your child?  Multiply that feeling times the Cross, and do you see that you are loved by your Heavenly Father? 

You have a destiny (Jeremiah 1:5).  Through the death and resurrection of Christ, we are now joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:14-17) and are no longer bound to this world.  Our lives are valuable.  They were bought with the most holy, precious, and innocent blood.  Whatever we are given, the source is our Father, and our Father is the King.  He will deny us no good thing if we first love Him, and then trust Him to complete His work in us.  Your God-given purpose cannot be destroyed by your mistakes or missteps-only delayed.  But our Father Who sees all, will work even that which the enemy would use for evil to be turned to good to serve His will in your life. Would you move heaven and earth for your child so he could accomplish his purpose? 

God already has.  And you are His child!  

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

